Registration Forms

Spring Season Registration Instructions

1. To register a player, download the AYB Registration Form and Medical Release to your computer desktop. (Scroll down to the bottom of this page to download the forms.)

2. Fill out each fillable form, and save them to your computer desktop.

3. Email forms to

4. Go to the Pay/Donate page to pay the $230 season registration fee.

Summer Season Registration Instructions

AYB coordinates two summertime baseball teams: the Ashland Pilots American Legion "A" team and the Ashland Aviators "D2" team. The Ashland Pilots is primarily comprised of AHS varsity players; the D2 team is AHS junior-varsity players, incoming freshmen, and possibly highly skilled incoming 8th graders, as determined by the AYB coaching staff.

If your son played on a Spring AYB team and is selected to play on the D2 team, it is not necessary to fill out registration forms for the Summer 2025 season. Proceed to the Pay/Donate page to pay the season registration fee.

For players who did not play on a Spring 2025 AYB team and are selected to play for the D2 or Pilots teams:

1. To register a player, download the AYB Registration Form and Medical Release to your computer desktop.

2. Fill out each fillable form, and save them to your computer desktop.

3. Email forms to

4. Go to the Pay/Donate page to pay the season registration fee.

Note - The Ashland Pilots Registration form is also necessary if the player is competing for the summer American Legion team.

2025 Summer Fees

  • If your child played on the 2025 Ashland High School baseball team, the registration fee is $225. And fill out the Ashland Pilots registration form.
  • If your child is an incoming 8th or 9th grader, the summer fee is $125 for the "D2" Aviators team.
  • Games begin mid-June and run through late July. See the Schedule page.
  • Games are against other Rogue Valley teams and may require travel as far as Grants Pass and Cave Junction.
  • Home games will be at North Mountain Park